1.1 State the main responsibilities of employers in healthand safety

1.1 State the main responsibilities of employers in health and safety

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Reading Time: 3 minutes

This guide will help you answer 1.1 State the main responsibilities of employers in health and safety.

Employers have many responsibilities when it comes to ensuring health and safety in the workplace. These duties are not only a legal requirement but also essential for creating a safe and positive work environment. This guide will help you understand what your employer should be doing to keep you safe at work.

Legal Obligations

Under the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974, employers must ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, the health, safety, and welfare of their employees. This law sets the groundwork for various responsibilities that employers must undertake to create a safe workplace.

Risk Assessment

One of the primary responsibilities is conducting risk assessments. Employers need to:

  • Identify potential hazards that could harm employees.
  • Evaluate risks associated with these hazards.
  • Implement measures to control these risks.

A risk assessment should be regularly reviewed and updated, especially if there are changes in the workplace.

Safe Systems of Work

Employers must establish safe systems of work. These are set procedures and methods that help manage activities safely. It can include:

  • Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) for tasks.
  • Guidance on the correct use of machinery and tools.
  • Protocols in case of emergencies.

Information, Instruction, and Training

To keep employees safe, employers must provide:

  • Clear information about workplace hazards and risks.
  • Proper instructions on how to perform tasks safely.
  • Training sessions to update skills and enforce safety practices.

Training should be ongoing and include new employees as well as those taking on new roles.

Provision of Safe Equipment

Employers must ensure that all equipment used is safe and suitable for its intended purpose. This responsibility includes:

  • Regular maintenance and servicing of equipment.
  • Replacing or repairing faulty machinery promptly.
  • Ensuring that personal protective equipment (PPE) is available and used correctly.

Health and Safety Policies

Employers with five or more employees need to have a written health and safety policy. This policy is a statement of the company’s commitment to maintaining safety standards.

The workplace’s health and safety policy should include:

  • Responsibilities of specific personnel.
  • Procedures for reporting hazards and incidents.
  • Strategies for risk control.

Welfare Facilities

Employers must provide adequate welfare facilities. These can include:

  • Toilets and washing facilities.
  • Drinking water.
  • Areas for rest and eating.

These facilities must be kept clean and in good working order.

Incident Reporting and Investigation

When incidents occur, employers need to have procedures for:

  • Reporting incidents promptly.
  • Investigating the causes to prevent recurrence.
  • Recording details as per the Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 2013 (RIDDOR).

Consultation and Cooperation

Employers must consult with employees or their representatives on health and safety matters. This involves:

  • Listening to employee concerns and suggestions.
  • Involving employees in decision-making processes about safety measures.
  • Cooperating with employee representatives, like trade unions.

Monitoring and Review

Continuous monitoring and regular review of health and safety practices are necessary. Employers should:

  • Conduct regular audits and inspections.
  • Review policies and procedures to ensure effectiveness.
  • Use feedback from employees to make improvements.

Mental Health and Wellbeing

Health and safety responsibilities extend beyond physical safety. Employers should also promote mental health and wellbeing by:

  • Raising awareness about mental health issues.
  • Providing support resources, such as counselling.
  • Encouraging an inclusive and supportive workplace culture.

Reporting to Authorities

In certain cases, employers are required to report incidents to health and safety authorities. Employers must:

  • Understand when reporting is necessary.
  • Follow correct procedures for notifications.


The responsibilities of employers in health and safety are numerous and far-reaching. By understanding and fulfilling these duties, employers can create a work environment that protects their employees’ health, safety, and well-being. A safe workplace leads to more productive, confident, and satisfied employees.